Please click any of the links below to purchase.
The Emerging Journalist, $100: a sponsor can buy a seat for a student journalist and be listed in the program booklet
The Breaking News, $300: half-page ad inside the program book
The Headline, $525: full-page ad inside the program book
Bronze Sponsor, $4,000: half-page ad inside the program book, half a table (5 tickets), recognition at the awards program and on NYABJ’s website
Silver Sponsor, $7,500: full-page ad inside the program book, one table (10 tickets), recognition at the awards program and on NYABJ’s website and social media engagement
Platinum Sponsor, $10,000: full-page ad on the back of the program book, one table (10 tickets), recognition at the awards program and on NYABJ’s website and social media engagement