The New York Association of Black Journalists

New York Association of Black Journalists (NYABJ) is the Greater New York chapter of National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), the world’s largest organization for journalists of color. Founded in 1976, NYABJ upholds a legacy of providing professional and moral support to its members. Our organization encourages and supports the achievement of Black media professionals and those who endeavor to accurately document stories of the African Diaspora.

Our membership includes reporters, editors, writers, broadcast news professionals, digital media producers, TV producers, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, creative directors, public relations professionals, students and academics. 

We offer professional development workshops, seminars, and networking mixers to our members throughout the year. Our general body meetings always feature media companies, giving attendees a chance to network and job search. We have been hosted by The New York Times, CBS, NBC, ABC, Bloomberg, The Wall Street Journal, AP and others. NYABJ is a 501(c)(3).

2022 NYABJ Executive Board


Vice President

